Log search

openGeminiLess than 1 minuteAbout 226 words


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An exact match means that only the entire word matches the keyword. For example, in log retrieval, all relevant log information is retrieved according to a specific error code.

> SELECT server_name,message FROM mst WHERE MATCH(message, "504") AND server_name="server0" AND time > now() - 1d

Query all logs of "server0" service which contained error code '504' in the past day


Like MATCH query, phrase matching is one of the most commonly used query methods in standard full-text search. Both MATCH and MATCHPHRASE are exact matches. The difference is that MATCHPHRASE is a query by phrase, while MATCH is a single word.

> SELECT COUNT(message) FROM mst WHERE MATCHPHRASE(message, 'GET images backnews.gif') AND time > now() - 1h

Query the total number of logs containing the content of 'GET images backnews.gif' in the past 1 hour


Fuzzy matching is another common full-text search query method, which can return a type of string with a certain prefix or suffix. For example, in service logs, some errors have fixed prefixes, but the error codes are different. , but all indicate a certain type of error message, then you will think of using fuzzy matching

> SELECT * FROM mst WHERE message LIKE 'NET%'

Query all log data containing keywords starting with 'NET'