Monitor openGemini

openGeminiAbout 2 minAbout 739 words

openGemini提供了260+监控指标,来监控集群的各种状态,下面将介绍如何开启监控项,并结合Grafana可视化监控数据。 这里使用scripts文件下的install_cluster.sh和install_monitor.sh脚本文件在单机上模拟集群部署进行演示。


ts-sql/ts-store/ts-meta, 开启监控的配置如下:

   pushers = "http"
   store-enabled = true
   store-database = "_internal"
   store-interval = "10s"
   # store-path = "/tmp/openGemini/metric/{{id}}/"
   # compress = false
   http-endpoint = ""
   # username = ""
   # password = ""

  bind-address = "{{addr}}:8086"
  • pushers,表示监控指标的推送方式,目前支持http和file两种方式,可以使用http|file表示两种方式都使用
  • store-enable,表示是否开启monitor数据存储
  • store-database,表示监控指标保存到的database的名称
  • store-interval,表示保存数据的周期
  • store-path,在pushers中包含file时生效,表示监控指标保存的路径和文件名称模板
  • http-endpoint,表示监控指标通过http发送到的endpoint





    # localhost ip
    host = "{{addr}}"
    # Indicates the path of the metric file generated by the kernel. References openGemini.conf: [monitor] store-path
    # metric-path cannot have subdirectories
    metric-path = "/tmp/openGemini/metric"
    # Indicates the path of the log file generated by the kernel. References openGemini.conf: [logging] path
    # error-log-path cannot have subdirectories
    error-log-path = "/tmp/openGemini/logs"
    # Data disk path. References openGemini.conf: [data] store-data-dir
    disk-path = "/tmp/openGemini/data"
    # Wal disk path. References openGemini.conf: [data]  store-wal-dir
    aux-disk-path = "/tmp/openGemini/data/wal"
    # Name of the process to be monitored. Optional Value: ts-store,ts-sql,ts-meta.
    # Determined based on the actual process running on the local node.
    process = "ts-store,ts-sql,ts-meta"
    # the history file reported error-log names.
    history-file = "history.txt"
    # Is the metric compressed.
    compress = false

    # Address for metric data to be reported.
    address = "{{report_addr}}:8086"
    # Database name for metric data to be reported.
    database = "monitor"
    rp = "autogen"
    rp-duration = "168h"
    # username = ""
    # password = ""
    # https-enable = false



  1. 启动集群和ts-monitor 在openGemini的项目目录下输入如下命令

    bash scripts/
    bash scripts/ 


    PID TTY          TIME CMD
    346114 pts/28   00:00:00 bash
    346353 pts/28   00:00:51 ts-meta
    346354 pts/28   00:00:50 ts-meta
    346355 pts/28   00:02:07 ts-meta
    346419 pts/28   00:01:12 ts-store
    346432 pts/28   00:00:51 ts-store
    346461 pts/28   00:00:55 ts-store
    346474 pts/28   00:00:28 ts-sql
    357880 pts/28   00:00:03 ts-monitor
    382071 pts/28   00:00:00 ps
  2. Grafana并查看监控数据

    • 由于openGemini与influxdb的协议是一致,配置数据源时选择influxdb
    • 增加dashboard,增加或导入一些已经有json配置文件,即可在grafana中看到OpenGemini的监控数据