Continue query

openGeminiAugust 5, 2023About 11 minAbout 3206 words


Basic Syntax

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY <cq_name> ON <database_name>

Basic Syntax Description

cq_name name of the continuous query.

database_name name of the database where the continuous query is located.

cq_query query statement in continuous query. This statement requires a function, an INTO clause and a GROUP BY time() clause:

SELECT <function[s]> INTO <destination_measurement> FROM <measurement> [WHERE <stuff>] GROUP BY time(<interval>)[,<tag_key[s]>]


cq_query does not require a time range in the WHERE clause. openGemini automatically generates the time range of cq_query when executing CQ. Any user-specified time ranges in the WHERE clause of cq_query will be ignored by the databse.

When CQ Executes and What Timeframe it Covers

CQ operates on real-time data. They use the local server's timestamp, the GROUP BY time() interval and openGemini's preset time boundaries to determine when to execute and the time range covered in the query.

CQs are executed at the same interval as cq_query's GROUP BY time() interval, and they run at the start of openGemini's preset time boundaries. If the GROUP BY time() interval is 1 hour, the CQ starts executing every hour.

When CQ executes, it runs a single query for time ranges between now() and now() minus the GROUP BY time() interval. If the GROUP BY time() interval is 1 hour and the current time is 17:00, the query time range is from 16:00 to 16:59999999999.

Basic Syntax Examples

The following examples use sample data from the database transportation. The measurement bus_data data stores 15-minute data on the number of bus passengers and the number of complaints:

name: bus_data
time                   passengers   complaints
2016-08-28T07:00:00Z   5            9
2016-08-28T07:15:00Z   8            9
2016-08-28T07:30:00Z   8            9
2016-08-28T07:45:00Z   7            9
2016-08-28T08:00:00Z   8            9
2016-08-28T08:15:00Z   15           7
2016-08-28T08:30:00Z   15           7
2016-08-28T08:45:00Z   17           7
2016-08-28T09:00:00Z   20           7

Automatically Sample Data

Use simple CQ to automatically downsample data from a single field and write the results to another measurement in the same database.

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "cq_basic" ON "transportation"
  SELECT mean("passengers") INTO "average_passengers" FROM "bus_data" GROUP BY time(1h)

cq_basic calculates the average hours of passengers from bus_data and stores the result in average_passengers in the database transportation.

cq_basic is executed at one-hour intervals, the same interval as GROUP BY time(). Every hour, cq_basic runs a single query covering the time range between now() and now() minus the GROUP BY time() interval, that is, now() and the time range between the hour before now().

The following is the log on the morning of August 28, 2016:

"At 8 o'clock, cq_basic executes the query with time range time >= '7:00' AND time < '08:00'.
cq_basic writes a point to average_passengers:"
    name: average_passengers
    time                   mean
    2016-08-28T07:00:00Z   7
"At 9 o'clock, cq_basic executes the query with time range time >= '8:00' AND time < '09:00'.
cq_basic writes a point to average_passengers:"
    name: average_passengers
    time                   mean
    2016-08-28T08:00:00Z   13.75

The result is as follows:

> SELECT * FROM "average_passengers"
name: average_passengers
time                   mean
2016-08-28T07:00:00Z   7
2016-08-28T08:00:00Z   13.75

Automatically Sample Data into Another Retention Policy

Sample data from the default retention policy to a fully specified target measurement:

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "cq_basic_rp" ON "transportation"
  SELECT mean("passengers") INTO "transportation"."three_weeks"."average_passengers" FROM "bus_data" GROUP BY time(1h)

cq_basic_rp calculates the average hours of passengers from bus_data, and stores the result in the measurement average_passengers whose RP is three_weeks in the database tansportation.

cq_basic_rp is executed at one-hour intervals, the same interval as GROUP BY time(). Every hour, cq_basic_rp runs a single query covering the time period between now() and now() minus the GROUP BY time() interval, that is, now() and the time range between the hour before now().

The following is the log output on the morning of August 28, 2016:

"Execute the query with time >='7:00' AND time <'8:00' at 8:00cq_basic_rp.
cq_basic_rp writes a point to the measurement average_passengers whose RP is three_weeks:"
    name: average_passengers
    time                   mean
    2016-08-28T07:00:00Z   7
"At 9:00cq_basic_rp execute the query whose time range is time >='8:00' AND time <'9:00'.
cq_basic_rp writes a point to the measurementaverage_passengers whose RP is three_weeks:"
    name: average_passengers
    time                   mean
    2016-08-28T08:00:00Z   13.75

The result is as follows:

> SELECT * FROM "transportation"."three_weeks"."average_passengers"
name: average_passengers
time                   mean
2016-08-28T07:00:00Z   7
2016-08-28T08:00:00Z   13.75

cq_basic_rp uses CQ and retention policies to automatically downsample data and keep those samples for varying lengths of time.

Automatically Sample Data and Configure Time Boundaries for CQ

Use the offset interval of the GROUP BY time() clause to change the default execution time of CQ and the time boundary of rendering:

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "cq_basic_offset" ON "transportation"
  SELECT mean("passengers") INTO "average_passengers" FROM "bus_data" GROUP BY time(1h,15m)

cq_basic_offset calculates the average hours of passengers from bus_data and stores the result in average_passengers.

cq_basic_offset is executed at one-hour intervals, the same interval as GROUP BY time(). A 15 minute offset interval forces the CQ to execute 15 minutes after the default execution time; cq_basic_offset executes at 8:15 instead of 8:00.

Every hour, cq_basic_offset runs a single query covering the time period between now() and now() minus the GROUP BY time() interval, that is, now() and the time range between the hour before now(). The 15-minute offset interval shifts the generated preset time boundaries forward in the CQ's WHERE clause; cq_basic_offset queries between 7:15 and 8:14.999999999 instead of 7:00 and 7:59.999999999.

"Execute the query with time range time >= '7:15' AND time < '8:15' at 8:15cq_basic_offset.
cq_basic_offset writes a data point to average_passengers:"
    name: average_passengers
    time                   mean
    2016-08-28T07:15:00Z   7.75
"Execute the query with time range time >= '8:15' AND time <'9:15' at 9:15cq_basic_offset.
cq_basic_offset writes a data point to average_passengers:"
    name: average_passengers
    time                   mean
    2016-08-28T08:15:00Z   16.75

The result is as follows:

> SELECT * FROM "average_passengers"
name: average_passengers
time                   mean
2016-08-28T07:15:00Z   7.75
2016-08-28T08:15:00Z   16.75

Note that the timestamps are 7:15 and 8:15 instead of 7:00 and 8:00.

Common Problems about Basic Synax

No Data Processing Time Interval

If no data falls within that time range, CQ will not write any results for the time interval. Note that the base syntax does not support using fill() to change the value reported for intervals with no data. fill() is ignored if the base syntax includes fill(). A workaround is to use the advanced syntax below.

Resample the Previous Time Interval

Basic CQ runs a query that covers the time period between now() and now() minus the GROUP BY time() interval. See Advanced Syntax for how to configure the time range for queries.

Backfill Result of Old Data

CQs operate on real-time data, i.e. data with timestamps that occur relative to now(). Use basic INTO queries to backfill results with data with older timestamps.

The Tag is Missing in the CQ Result

By default, all INTO queries convert any tags in the source measurement to fields in the target measurement.

Include GROUP BY * in the CQ to preserve the tags in the target measurement.

Advanced Syntax

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY <cq_name> ON <database_name>
RESAMPLE EVERY <interval> FOR <interval>

Advanced Syntax Description

About cq_namedatabase_name and cq_query, please see the basic syntax description.

When CQ Executes and What Timeframe it Covers

CQs operate on real-time data. Using an advanced syntax, CQ uses the local server's timestamp along with information in the RESAMPLE clause and openGemini's preset time boundaries to determine the execution time and time range covered in the query.

CQs are executed at the same interval as the EVERY interval in the RESAMPLE clause, and they run at the start of openGemini's preset time boundaries. If EVERY interval is two hours, openGemini will execute CQ at the beginning of every two hours.

When CQ executes, it runs a single query with the time range between now() and now() minus the FOR interval in the RESAMPLE clause. If the FOR interval is two hours and the current time is 17:00, the time interval of the query is from 15:00 to 16:59999999999.

Both the EVERY interval and the FOR interval accept time strings. The RESAMPLE clause is suitable for configuring both EVERY and FOR, or one of them. If no EVERY interval or FOR interval is provided, CQ defaults to relative as the base syntax.

Advanced Syntax Examples

Sample data is as follows:

name: bus_data
time                   passengers
2016-08-28T06:30:00Z   2
2016-08-28T06:45:00Z   4
2016-08-28T07:00:00Z   5
2016-08-28T07:15:00Z   8
2016-08-28T07:30:00Z   8
2016-08-28T07:45:00Z   7
2016-08-28T08:00:00Z   8
2016-08-28T08:15:00Z   15
2016-08-28T08:30:00Z   15
2016-08-28T08:45:00Z   17
2016-08-28T09:00:00Z   20

Configure the Execution Interval

Use EVERY in RESAMPLE to indicate the execution interval of CQ.

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "cq_advanced_every" ON "transportation"
  SELECT mean("passengers") INTO "average_passengers" FROM "bus_data" GROUP BY time(1h)

cq_advanced_every calculates the hourly average of passengers from bus_data and stores the result in average_passengers in the database transportation.

cq_advanced_every is executed at 30-minute intervals, the same interval as EVERY. Every 30 minutes, cq_advanced_every runs a query covering the time range of the current time period, which is the one-hour time period intersected by now().

The following is the log output on the morning of August 28, 2016:

"Execute the query with time range time >= '7:00' AND time < '8:00' at 8:00cq_basic_every.
cq_basic_every writes a data point to average_passengers:"
    name: average_passengers
    time                   mean
    2016-08-28T07:00:00Z   7
"Execute the query with time range time >= '8:00' AND time < '9:00' at 8:30cq_basic_every.
cq_basic_every writes a data point to average_passengers:"
    name: average_passengers
    time                   mean
    2016-08-28T08:00:00Z   12.6667
"Execute the query with time range time >= '8:00' AND time < '9:00' at 9:00cq_basic_every.
cq_basic_every writes a data point to average_passengers:"
    name: average_passengers
    time                   mean
    2016-08-28T08:00:00Z   13.75

The result is as follows:

> SELECT * FROM "average_passengers"
name: average_passengers
time                   mean
2016-08-28T07:00:00Z   7
2016-08-28T08:00:00Z   13.75

Note that cq_advanced_every computes the result twice for the 8:00 time interval. The first time, it runs at 8:30, calculating the average for each available data point between 8:00 and 9:00 (8, 15, and 15). The second time, it runs at 9:00, calculating the average for each available data point between 8:00 and 9:00 (8, 15, 15, and 17). Due to the way openGemini handles duplicate points, TODO: pending verification.

Configure the Resampling Time Range of CQ

Use FOR in RESAMPLE to specify the length of the CQ interval.

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "cq_advanced_for" ON "transportation"
  SELECT mean("passengers") INTO "average_passengers" FROM "bus_data" GROUP BY time(30m)

cq_advanced_for calculates the 30-minute average of passengers from bus_data and stores the result in average_passengers in the database transportation.

cq_advanced_for is executed at 30-minute intervals, the same interval as GROUP BY time(). Every 30 minutes, cq_advanced_for runs a query covering the time period now() and now() minus the interval in FOR, which is now() and now() before A time range between one hour.

The following is the log output on the morning of August 28, 2016:

"At 8:00cq_advanced_for executes the query with time range time >= '7:00' AND time <'8:00'.
cq_advanced_for writes two data points to average_passengers"
    name: average_passengers
    time                   mean
    2016-08-28T07:00:00Z   6.5
    2016-08-28T07:30:00Z   7.5
"At 8:30cq_advanced_for executes the query with time range time >= '7:30' AND time <'8:30'.
cq_advanced_for writes two data points to average_passengers:"
    name: average_passengers
    time                   mean
    2016-08-28T07:30:00Z   7.5
    2016-08-28T08:00:00Z   11.5
"At 9:00cq_advanced_for executes the query with time range time>='8:00' AND time <'9:00'.
cq_advanced_for writes two data points to average_passengers:"
    name: average_passengers
    time                   mean
    2016-08-28T08:00:00Z   11.5
    2016-08-28T08:30:00Z   16

Note that cq_advanced_for calculates the result twice for each interval. CQ calculates the average of 7:30 at 8:00 and 8:30, and the average of 8:00 at 8:30 and 9:00.

The result is as follows:

> SELECT * FROM "average_passengers"
name: average_passengers
time                   mean
2016-08-28T07:00:00Z   6.5
2016-08-28T07:30:00Z   7.5
2016-08-28T08:00:00Z   11.5
2016-08-28T08:30:00Z   16

Configure Execution Interval and CQ Time Range

Use EVERY and FOR in the RESAMPLE clause to specify the execution interval of the CQ and the length of the time range of the CQ.

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "cq_advanced_every_for" ON "transportation"
  SELECT mean("passengers") INTO "average_passengers" FROM "bus_data" GROUP BY time(30m)

cq_advanced_every_for calculates the 30-minute average of passengers from bus_data and stores the result in average_passengers in the database transportation.

cq_advanced_every_for is executed at 1-hour intervals, which are the same as EVERY intervals. Every 1 hour, cq_advanced_every_for runs a query covering the time period now() and now() minus the interval in FOR, that is, now() and now() before Time range between 90 minutes.

The following is the log output on the morning of August 28, 2016:

"At 8:00cq_advanced_every_for execute the query with time range time>='6:30' AND time <'8:00'.
cq_advanced_every_for writes three data points to average_passengers:"
    name: average_passengers
    time                   mean
    2016-08-28T06:30:00Z   3
    2016-08-28T07:00:00Z   6.5
    2016-08-28T07:30:00Z   7.5
"At 9:00cq_advanced_every_for execute the query with time range time >= '7:30' AND time <'9:00'.
cq_advanced_every_for writes three data points to average_passengers:"
    name: average_passengers
    time                   mean
    2016-08-28T07:30:00Z   7.5
    2016-08-28T08:00:00Z   11.5
    2016-08-28T08:30:00Z   16

Note that cq_advanced_every_for calculates the result twice for each interval. CQ calculates an average of 7:30 at 8:00 and 9:00.

The result is as follows:

> SELECT * FROM "average_passengers"
name: average_passengers
time                   mean
2016-08-28T06:30:00Z   3
2016-08-28T07:00:00Z   6.5
2016-08-28T07:30:00Z   7.5
2016-08-28T08:00:00Z   11.5
2016-08-28T08:30:00Z   16

Configure the Time Range of CQ and Fill in Empty Values

Use FOR intervals and fill() to change interval values without data. Note that at least one data point must be within the FOR interval for fill() to run. If no data falls within the FOR interval, CQ will not write any points to the target measurement.

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "cq_advanced_for_fill" ON "transportation"
  SELECT mean("passengers") INTO "average_passengers" FROM "bus_data" GROUP BY time(1h) fill(1000)

cq_advanced_for_fill calculates the 1-hour average of passengers from bus_data, and stores the result in average_passengers in the database transportation. and will write the value 1000 during the time interval with no result.

cq_advanced_for_fill is executed at 1-hour intervals, the same interval as GROUP BY time(). Every 1 hour, cq_advanced_for_fill runs a query covering the time period now() and now() minus the interval in FOR, that is, now() and now() before A time range between two hours.

The following is the log output on the morning of August 28, 2016:

"At 6:00cq_advanced_for_fill executes the query with time range time>='4:00' AND time <'6:00'. cq_advanced_for_fill does not write any data points to average_passengers because bus_data has no data in that time range:"
"At 7:00cq_advanced_for_fill executes the query with time range time>='5:00' AND time <'7:00'. cq_advanced_for_fill writes two data points to average_passengers:"
    name: average_passengers
    time                   mean
    2016-08-28T05:00:00Z   1000          <------ fill(1000)
    2016-08-28T06:00:00Z   3             <------ average of 2 and 4
"At 11:00cq_advanced_for_fill executes the query for the time range time >= '9:00' AND time <'11:00'. cq_advanced_for_fill writes two data points to average_passengers:"
    name: average_passengers
    2016-08-28T09:00:00Z   20            <------ average of 20
    2016-08-28T10:00:00Z   1000          <------ fill(1000)

At 12:00 cq_advanced_for_fill executes the query for the time range time>='10:00'AND time <'12:00'. cq_advanced_for_fill does not write any data points to average_passengers because there is no data in bus_data for that time range.

The result is as follows:

> SELECT * FROM "average_passengers"
name: average_passengers
time                   mean
2016-08-28T05:00:00Z   1000
2016-08-28T06:00:00Z   3
2016-08-28T07:00:00Z   7
2016-08-28T08:00:00Z   13.75
2016-08-28T09:00:00Z   20
2016-08-28T10:00:00Z   1000


fill(previous) will not fill the interval with data if the previous value was outside the query time.

Common Problems about Advanced Synax

If EVERY Interval is Greater than GROUP BY time() Interval

If the EVERY interval is greater than the GROUP BY time() interval, the CQ is executed at the same interval as the EVERY interval and runs a single query that covers now() and now() minus The time range between EVERY intervals (not between now() and now() minus GROUP BY time() intervals).

For example, if the GROUP BY time() interval is 5m, and the EVERY interval is 10m, then the CQ is executed every 10 minutes. Every 10 minutes, CQ runs a query covering the period between now() and now() minus the EVERY interval, i.e. between now() and ten minutes before now() time range.

This behavior is intentional and prevents CQ from losing data between execution times.



Delete CQ from a specified database:

DROP CONTINUOUS QUERY <cq_name> ON <database_name>

DROP CONTINUOUS QUERY returns an empty result.


Delete the CQ idle_hands from the database telegraf:

> DROP CONTINUOUS QUERY "idle_hands" ON "telegraf"`



List all CQs on an openGemini instance:


SHOW CONTINUOUS QUERIES group by database.


The following shows the CQs on database test1 and database test2:

name: test1
| name  | query                                                                                                                                                                                   |
| cq1_1 | CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq1_1 ON test1 RESAMPLE EVERY 1h FOR 90m BEGIN SELECT mean(passengers) INTO test1.autogen.average_passengers FROM test1.autogen.bus_data GROUP BY time(30m) END |
2 columns, 1 rows in set

name: test2
| name  | query                                                                                                                                                                              |
| cq2_1 | CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq2_1 ON test2 RESAMPLE EVERY 1h FOR 30m BEGIN SELECT min(passengers) INTO test2.autogen.min_passengers FROM test2.autogen.bus_data GROUP BY time(15m) END |
2 columns, 1 rows in set