Use PromQL

openGeminiAbout 6 minAbout 1650 words

openGemini has supported PromQL at v1.3.0 and provided HTTP API such as expression query, metadata query, and remote data reading and writing

Expression query

  • Instant Query

  • Range Query

Metadata query

  • Query Lable Names

  • Query Lable Values

  • Query Series

Remote Reading and Writing

  • Remote Read and Write

At the same time, openGemini is compatible with Prometheus functions. Click to view the Functions & Operators.

HTTP API Overview

In general, openGemini provides two types of APIs: /api/v1/xxx and /promethues/{metric_store}/api/v1/xxx. The former determines the measurement name based on the read or written metrics. The latter is mainly used in multi-user scenarios on the platform. The user ID can be used instead of {metric_store} so that all the user's data is stored in one measurement, which serves the purpose of user data isolation.

The response is a JSON object. The following is the status code of the HTTP response:

  • 200 success when request response successful

  • 400 Bad Request when the parameter is missing or incorrect

  • 403 Request Access Denied when the request is denied access

  • 422 Unprocessable Entity when the expression cannot be executed (RFC4918)

  • 503 Service Unavailable when the query times out or is aborted

Other non-2xx codes may be returned for errors occurring before the API endpoint is reached.

The JSON response envelope format is as follows:

  "status": "success" | "error",
  "data": <data>,

  // Only set if status is "error". The data field may still hold
  // additional data.
  "errorType": "<string>",
  "error": "<string>",

  // Only set if there were warnings while executing the request.
  // There will still be data in the data field.
  "warnings": ["<string>"],
  // Only set if there were info-level annnotations while executing the request.
  "infos": ["<string>"]

Please use the same API to operate the database. For example, if you use /api/v1/prom/write to write data, you need to use /api/v1/prom/read or/api/v1/query to query. You cannot use /prometheus/{metric_store}/api/v1/query to query.

Simulating Prometheus sample data

> create database prom
> use prom
> insert up,__name__=up,instance=localhost:8086,job=prometheus value=2   1709258312000000000
> insert up,__name__=up,instance=localhost:8086,job=prometheus value=3   1709258327000000000
> insert up,__name__=up,instance=localhost:8086,job=prometheus value=5   1709258342000000000
> insert up,__name__=up,instance=localhost:8086,job=prometheus value=9   1709258357000000000
> insert up,__name__=up,instance=localhost:8086,job=prometheus value=10  1709258372000000000
> insert up,__name__=up,instance=localhost:8086,job=prometheus value=11  1709258387000000000
> insert up,__name__=up,instance=localhost:8086,job=prometheus value=15  1709258402000000000
> insert up,__name__=up,instance=localhost:8080,job=container value=2       1709258312000000000
> insert up,__name__=up,instance=localhost:7070,job=container value=15      1709258402000000000
> insert down,__name__=down,instance=localhost:8086,job=prometheus value=2   1709258312000000000
> insert down,__name__=down,instance=localhost:8086,job=prometheus value=3   1709258327000000000
> insert down,__name__=down,instance=localhost:8086,job=prometheus value=5   1709258342000000000
> insert down,__name__=down,instance=localhost:8086,job=prometheus value=9   1709258357000000000
> insert down,__name__=down,instance=localhost:8086,job=prometheus value=10  1709258372000000000
> insert down,__name__=down,instance=localhost:8086,job=prometheus value=11  1709258387000000000
> insert down,__name__=down,instance=localhost:8086,job=prometheus value=15  1709258402000000000
> insert down,__name__=down,instance=localhost:8080,job=container value=2       1709258312000000000
> insert down,__name__=down,instance=localhost:7070,job=container value=15      1709258402000000000
> show measurements
name: measurements

Instant Queries

The following endpoint evaluates an instant query at a single point in time:


GET/POST /prometheus/{metric_store}/api/v1/query
GET/POST /api/v1/query

Query Parameters

queryYesStringPrometheus expression query string. ref PromQL expressionopen in new window
timeNoStringUnix timestamp, unit: seconds
timeoutNoStringExecuting query timeout, unit: seconds. Like 1s, 2m, 3h, 4d and etc.
lookback-deltaNoStringsee Time Durationsopen in new window. The maximum backtracking interval of the point-finding process in PromQL calculation. The default value is "5m".
dbNoStringdatabaseopen in new window, prom default
rpNoStringretention policyopen in new window, autogen default


Query all the data at the timestamp 1709258312 with the expression up. Note : the timestamp must be seconds.

curl -i -XPOST ''


Status Code: 200, The request response is successful

	"status": "success",
	"data": {
		"resultType": "vector",
		"result": [{
			"metric": {
				"__name__": "up",
				"instance": "localhost:8080",
				"job": "container"
			"value": [1709258312, "2"]
		}, {
			"metric": {
				"__name__": "up",
				"instance": "localhost:8086",
				"job": "prometheus"
			"value": [1709258312, "2"]


Given the condition instance="localhost:8080", query all the data at the timestamp 1709258312 with the expression up{instance="localhost:8080"}

curl -i -XPOST '"localhost:8080"%7D&time=1709258312'

Response 2

Status Code: 200, The request response is successful

	"status": "success",
	"data": {
		"resultType": "vector",
		"result": [{
			"metric": {
				"__name__": "up",
				"instance": "localhost:8080",
				"job": "container"
			"value": [1709258312, "2"]

Range Queries

Evaluates an expression query over a range of time


GET/POST /prometheus/{metric_store}/api/v1/query_range
GET/POST /api/v1/query_range

Query Parameters

queryYesStringPrometheus expression query string. ref PromQL expressionopen in new window
startYesStringStart timestamp (unix timestamp, unit: seconds)
endYesStringEnd timestamp (Unix timestamp, unit: seconds)
stepYesStringQuery resolution step width in duration format or float number of seconds.
timeoutNoStringEvaluation timeout. Like 1s, 2m, 3h, 4d and etc.
lookback-deltaNoStringsee Time Durationsopen in new window. The maximum backtracking interval of the point-finding process in PromQL calculation. The default value is "5m".
dbNoStringdatabaseopen in new window, prom default
rpNoStringretention policyopen in new window, autogen default


给定时间范围 [1709258312,1709258402] 内以15秒为间隔计算表达式up的结果

curl -i -XPOST ''


Status Code: 200, The request response is successful

	"status": "success",
	"data": {
		"resultType": "matrix",
		"result": [{
			"metric": {
				"__name__": "up",
				"instance": "localhost:7070",
				"job": "container"
			"values": [
				[1709258402, "15"]
		}, {
			"metric": {
				"__name__": "up",
				"instance": "localhost:8080",
				"job": "container"
			"values": [
				[1709258312, "2"],
				[1709258327, "2"],
				[1709258342, "2"],
				[1709258357, "2"],
				[1709258372, "2"],
				[1709258387, "2"],
				[1709258402, "2"]
		}, {
			"metric": {
				"__name__": "up",
				"instance": "localhost:8086",
				"job": "prometheus"
			"values": [
				[1709258312, "2"],
				[1709258327, "3"],
				[1709258342, "5"],
				[1709258357, "9"],
				[1709258372, "10"],
				[1709258387, "11"],
				[1709258402, "15"]

Query Label Names

Returns a list of label names


GET/POST /prometheus/{metric_store}/api/v1/labels
GET/POST /api/v1/labels

Query Parameters

match[]NoStringRepeated series selector argument that selects the series from which to read the label names
startNoStringStart timestamp (unix timestamp, unit: seconds)
endNoStringEnd timestamp (Unix timestamp, unit: seconds)
dbNoStringdatabaseopen in new window, prom default
rpNoStringretention policyopen in new window, autogen default


Returns a list of label names

curl -i -XPOST ''


Status Code: 200, The request response is successful

	"status": "success",
	"data": ["__name__", "instance", "job"]


Return a list of label names which match the expression up{instance="localhost:8086"}

curl -i -XPOST '' --data-urlencode 'match[]=up{instance="localhost:8086"}'


Status Code: 200, The request response is successful

	"status": "success",
	"data": ["__name__", "instance", "job"]

Query Lable Values

Returns a list of label values for a provided label name


GET /prometheus/{metric_store}/api/v1/label/{label_name}/values
GET /api/v1/label/{label_name}/values

Query Parameters

match[]NoStringRepeated series selector argument that selects the series from which to read the label values
startNoStringStart timestamp (unix timestamp, unit: seconds)
endNoStringEnd timestamp (Unix timestamp, unit: seconds)
dbNoStringdatabaseopen in new window, prom default
rpNoStringretention policyopen in new window, autogen default


Returns a list of label values for a provided label name job and a provided time range

curl -g ''


Status Code: 200, The request response is successful

	"status": "success",
	"data": ["container", "prometheus"]

Query Series

Returns the list of time series that match a certain label set


GET/POST /prometheus/{metric_store}/api/v1/series
GET/POST /api/v1/series

Query Parameters

match[]YesStringRepeated series selector argument that selects the series to return. At least one match[] argument must be provided.
startNoStringStart timestamp (unix timestamp, unit: seconds)
endNoStringEnd timestamp (Unix timestamp, unit: seconds)
dbNoStringdatabaseopen in new window, prom default
rpNoStringretention policyopen in new window, autogen default


Returns the list of time series that match the expression match[]=up

curl -g '[]=up'


Status Code: 200, The request response is successful

	"status": "success",
	"data": [{
		"__name__": "up",
		"instance": "localhost:7070",
		"job": "container"
	}, {
		"__name__": "up",
		"instance": "localhost:8080",
		"job": "container"
	}, {
		"__name__": "up",
		"instance": "localhost:8086",
		"job": "prometheus"


Returns the list of time series that match the expression match[]=up{instance="localhost:7070"}

curl -g '' --data-urlencode 'match[]=up{instance="localhost:7070"}'


Status Code: 200, The request response is successful

	"status": "success",
	"data": [{
		"__name__": "up",
		"instance": "localhost:7070",
		"job": "container"

Query Metric MetaData

It returns metadata about metrics currently scraped from targets. However, it does not provide any target information.


GET/POST /prometheus/{metric_store}/api/v1/metadata
GET/POST /api/v1/metadata

Query Parameters

limitStringMaximum number of metrics to return.
limit_per_metricStringMaximum number of metadata to return per metric.
metricStringA metric name to filter metadata for. All metric metadata is retrieved if left empty.
dbStringdatabaseopen in new window, prom default
rpStringretention policyopen in new window, autogen default


Returns metadata about metrics currently

curl -i -XPOST ''


there has no value with current sample data.

Status Code: 200, The request response is successful

  "status" : "success",
  "data" : {
    "up" : [ {
      "type" : "",
      "help" : "",
      "unit" : ""
    } ]

Remote Read/Write

ref prometheus read/write